During the first year of my master’s course, I read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. It taught me everything about personal finance. Today, I am a pro at financial investments and a big part of that can be attributed to this one book.At 28, during a routine online chat with my friend, we discussed some business ideas, one of which became the foundation of what I do today....
This would be easily among the top 15 pieces of advice that changed my life. I heard this first on Tim Ferris's podcast where Jim Collins shared that this was the most important lesson he learned during his meeting with management guru Peter Drucker, " Dont make a hundred decisions when one would do". (This is a fab episode one that should not be missed) 
This blog post is my attempt to provide a comprehensive guide for planning your Kashmir trip. For the last few years, Kashmir was on our bucket list of places to go, however, for some reason or the other we never could finalize. This year we finally made up our mind to do this much-awaited...
The whole waiting to be happy when I get something/reach somewhere/meet someone is a myth which we all have programmed ourselves into....
Never settle for mediocre work Ever. It may be sometimes the easy thing to do but always push yourself...
We are generally conscious of how we are perceived in our immediate social group, and would definitely like to create a good...

Stevan Noronha

Founder and Chief of Strategy - FOXBOX Retail

I’m an entrepreneur who’s super passionate about life and all it has to offer. Through this blog, I intend to share experiences along my entrepreneurial journey, travel, finance and life in general.This blog is a collection of experiences and learnings that I want to share .

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