Do you remember the last time you ever came across some information or a thought that literally changed your life?
During the first year of my masters course, I read this book – ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. It taught me everything about personal finance and investments in markets. Today, I am a pro at financial investments thanks to this one book.
At 28, I was chatting online with a friend of mine and during one of our long conversations came up with some business idea which stuck with me and became the foundation of what I do today. The business idea was born during that chat session.
At 30, during an extremely critical phase of a project when everything was going wrong and I was about to lose hope, so decided to take two hours off and went for a walk to a nearby market. Don’t know what exactly happened but came back with new confidence and things began improving and within a few days it was back to normal.
In all three situations, I was not actually seeking out for the information (the book, the business idea or confidence) which changed my life in some way. It just happened.
I had not planned to buy any book that day. Just because there was a train delay, had some free time and ended up spending that at a book store, There got interested in this book at that moment and purchased it.
With my friend, was not even discussing any business ideas; it was a regular chat which we had every other day. I don’t really remember the how the idea came up during discussion
And it happens all the time. Things happen when we are not really looking for it. And sometime we may end up finding a treasure.
So is this pure luck or is there something more to it
I strongly believe that such instances happen because at some level we were actually prepared for it. We had the right mind-set
Take the alternate scenario, what if that day at the bookstore I was too concerned about my missed train and was pre occupied worrying about reaching on time for the next schedule? I would have actually missed this book. It would have passed right in front of my eyes and I would not have even noticed it. A life changing opportunity gone…
Doesn’t it happen all the time, we always wonder ‘ Why didn’t I think of this?
So to experience something new we need to step back – defocus – have a blank slate which welcomes new experience or information with right mindset
This state of defocus is what I call as our ‘discover mode’
Everyone has it but you need to consciously switch it on
In the discover mode, you are not seeking anything –
You don’t expect much.
You don’t try too hard. You are in the present
You experience, you participate, you learn.
And many times brilliant answers, experiences, people and stuff happens when you are in the discover mode
But in today’s life do we really allow enough opportunities for our ‘discover mode’ to be active.
In ‘discover mode’ there is no pre-set agenda. However our reality, things are way different!
For most part of our lives we have an agenda. So today morning I had to first go to gym, then rush to office, the go out with wife watch a movie, have dinner and then sleep. Where did I actually activate my discover mode? And every week it’s the same story.
If we realize that the best things happen and can be experienced in the discover mode, we need to ensure we switch it on more often. That will allow us the opportunity to experience beyond the mundane
And for that we need to specially allocate time with no agenda which allows us to activate our discover model. The discover mode is sure to surprise us, refresh us
Everyone has their own unique way of switching on his/her discover mode. For me it is writing, travelling solo, listing to soothing music. Its interesting to share that the very thought of this article came during my discover mode . I was writing on a completely different subject and then this thought struck .
You need to find your own way of activating this ‘discover zone’. And give it time to really make magic happen.