As an entrepreneur, each day you come across multiple situations which test your patience. A project may be delayed, clients may complain, an employee quits, something just doesn’t go as planned. All these events, trigger you to a panic state and you end up turning angry.
It’s been my biggest challenge to keep a cool in such situations. I strongly believe that it is crucial to be in the right frame of mind to take logical decision during such times.
Why is anger so bad?
When you are angry, you often tend to do evil things, which you regret later. Be it in our personal or professional life, most of the regrets of our our lives would invariably be due to things done in a state of anger. Anger can take a big toll.
And so it’s very important that if you frequently get angry, you need to work on this emotion. I have been actively looking for solutions/hacks to control anger when things don’t go as planned
Few things have helped me tremulously, and this is what I would like to share in today’s post. This is my ‘work in progress’ project as I have been able to control 20% of my anger and there is much to be done, however for the benefit of those who may face similar issues, have shared some information.
Understanding Source of Anger
It’s very important to understand why you get angry. One of the main reasons to get angry is when things don’t go as per plans. Your plans. It’s about your expectations. You have certain expectations however reasonable they may be, if those don’t happen you get angry.
So what should you know? That logically, it’s not possible for things to happen your way all the time. So if it’s not as per expectations every time, you should be okay with that. Certainly no reason to be angry. This realization helps you not to be consumed with anger.
Who suffers most with anger?
The one you have directed your anger towards definitely suffers, and many times if you are in a higher power situation than him ( boss, subordinate relation) it may be no fault of his, you may just be diverting your anger towards him. However its you who is consumed with anger, who suffers the most. When you get angry, the whole body suffers and becomes toxic and in the long term, it has the power to kill you.
Anger can kill you – now that realization is very powerful and important. That should help you understand that come what may you should not be angry.
But these are easier said than done.
If you have a habit of getting angry, you wouldn’t even know when you lose your temper, as the body automatically reacts in a negative way. It’s takes long time to process the emotion and by that time the damage is already done.
Hence it needs to be practiced actively. You need to need be more attentive on your body, when you get a bad news, or something happens which is not planned, force yourself to think about it and the consequences and maybe you will react differently.
You may still be angry, but you may be less evil version of yourself. You may do less damage. Over a period of time it will definitely help.
Personally for me too it is a slow process; I still do get angry every other day on certain occasions but each time if i can force myself to recall the consequences I end up controlling this a bit. And you need to keep working towards it, and don’t forget to congratulate when you make small progress.
Anger is one emotion that completely needs to be eliminated from one’s life to be truly successful in what we do and hence it’s important we start it today.